
So much is happening at S&K Publishers

Online marriage preparation via Zoom is now available

Visit the Marriage preparation page for more details. We know there are many couples who are not able to take group marriage preparation sessions due to schedules and separate locations. Check out the marriage preparation page to see to check out the two options. We offer a specific marriage preparation for those getting married in the Catholic church, called Preparing for a Sacramental Marriage, as well as a universal marriage preparation course. 


Foundations is now online publication! Go to the Foundations page to see it and you will be surprised by the vibrancy of the new look. It features the same classic design, but is so much more accessible. Please check out the new features. See the August issue on the Foundations page.

Couples coaching is now available too.

The Beirnes have received training in the Gottman method of relationship education and are providing support and techniques for couples that are experiencing relationship  difficulties.

Try the quiz at facingahead.com

Facing Ahead is a quiz that enables anyone to assess their relationship strengths and challenges. Each person responds to statements in 13 different categories. When both partners have taken the quiz, the app will compare their responses. It provides a great start for the "what's next?" conversation that is sometimes difficult to initiate.


And FACET is still the highly approachable tool for engaged couples who want to know if they are going into marriage with the same expectations and goals.

Order your copy of Catholic and Newly Married today!  (see the order materials page)